Online Scout Manager

Online Scout Manager (OSM) has been developed to take care of all of your section-based administration so you can concentrate on active Scouting. It was launched in 2011 and since 2012, Berkshire Scouts has paid for every section in Berkshire to benefit from all features of the Gold level of service.

OSM takes care of badge records, programme planning, contact details (including the ability to email and send text messages from the site), events, census, section finances, attendance register and much more. It is available on the web, and on your android device or iPhone.

To support efficient management of sections and to improve the support for high quality programme, we have agreed to make this available free to all sections across Berkshire. Please sign up and try it out with your teams here. Using the discount code will give you a free Gold subscription and it will give the District and county teams access to section-level summary (non-personal) information to help us provide you with more relevant support.

If you have any queries please contact

To make use of the discount code, please enter ‘berkshireadventure’ in the discount code box on the Settings link then the Purchase Upgrades page on OSM. If you have already subscribed to OSM through PayPal, please enter the discount code anyway and cancel your PayPal subscription (we will pay for your future subscription renewals). A Group can choose to add Gold+ subscription on top of this Gold level access, and you will only be charged for the difference between the Gold and Gold+ packages.

How to get involved

Register interest in volunteering or join our youth programme